Friday, September 19, 2014

An Introduction of sorts...

Hello to whoever stumbles upon this page, mostly classmates and teaching staff because let's be real, this isn't I welcome you to a look into my brain it's thoughts as I progress through this journey known as "university".
I figured we should get the bad stuff out of the way first as I discuss some of the elements learn't this week that have been keeping me up until the wee hours of the morning. This being the claims we have been making and talking about in class using sets and their relationships.
The topic of elements of a certain set either being also an element of another set and their visual correlation with the use of Venn diagrams has had my brain racking on what all this means.
I have been spending time refreshing my memory on basic mathematical sets and asking peers who have a better understanding to see what their explanation of these topics are. I feel as though I should spend more time working on understanding the course material outside of the lecture and this will lead to more success when I enter the ever so humid pit known as UC. Doing so I think will show an improvement in my participation in class as I wont be spending half the class trying to wrap my brain around the ever-so mind boggling topics that Prof. Heap has fluidly mastered. Hopefully, by the end of the semester, I too can spend my lecture playing World of Warcraft like whoever it was sitting beside me today.



  1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who considers UC140 a sauna. I always have to take off my socks and shoes to prevent heat stroke. Once, I even took off my watch in desperation.

    1. I actually like it now that it's FREEZING outside!

  2. Don't we all want to be that guy that can just play WoW while in class?

    Wait, why is he going to class then? Guess some mysteries will never be solved...

    But yeah, good luck! It'll get easier, I promise! :D
